There’s nothing quite like the majestic beauty of an equine. However, with their intense beauty and mystery comes lots of questions. Do you have questions about horses that you’ve always wondered about but have been too shy to ask? Read on to learn the most commonly asked questions and answers about horses.
The Most Commonly Asked Questions
Well, today, Oak Haven Acres is going to answer the most commonly asked questions about horses. We want you to understand why we put so much effort and love into these fantastic creatures.
1. Do horses see color, or are they colorblind?
If you thought that horses could only see things in hues of gray, then you’re wrong. Equines can see color, but their colorful world is quite different than that of humans. They can see 2-3 wavelengths on the spectrum, while humans can see 2-3 million hues.
If you compared a horse to a colorblind person, they see about the same amount of color. They can make out the shades of blue and green quite easily, but they cannot see the vibrant reds, oranges, or other variations of these colors.
2. Do they still use horses to make glue?
In yesteryear, manufacturing companies used the hides and hooves of animals to make glue. It’s the collagen in the skin that was needed to give an adhesive its strength. However, things have progressed quite a bit with technology, and synthetic glue is used that doesn’t require the horses to create.
Shockingly, you can still buy traditional glue in some locations, but many local stores only carry the synthetic version. Don’t worry; they don’t use live horses to make this glue, as they use the rendered materials from animals that have already passed. They don’t by any means take the life of an innocent equine just to make glue.
3. Is a horse a domestic animal like a dog or cat?
You might be surprised to learn that a horse is a domestic animal. What makes an animal domesticated? It’s easy to see that dogs and cats and other animals are companions and work with humans.
Equines have been domesticated for more than 5,000 years. These animals are bred and raised for companionship. However, just like you see wild dogs that do not fit into this mold, you will also see wild horses.
Sometimes, even domesticated breeds will get away and become naturalized or feral. You can go to the beaches of Corolla right here in North Carolina and see tons of horses running free.
4. Do horses only lay down when they’re sick or dying?
This is one of the most asked questions and one of the biggest misconceptions among horse enthusiasts. Horses don’t have to be sick to lay down. When you see an equine lying on the ground, it means they’re comfortable.
Some specific varieties prefer to layout and catch some golden rays, while other breeds prefer to stand. When a horse takes a nap, they often lay down in the grass or their stable. The only problem with being in this position for too long is that it can restrict their blood flow and cause injuries.
However, just how you feel a leg or arm go to sleep when you are laying in a weird position, the horse knows to get up, so their blood doesn’t pool in their lungs and cause reperfusion injuries from muscle and organ damage.
5. Do equines have good night vision like cats?
You may be surprised to learn that horses have a keen sense that allows them to see in the dark. They probably see better than you when it’s nighttime. In the back of the eyeball is a membrane that helps them reflect what little bit of light is in the atmosphere.
The tapetum lucidum membrane is quite powerful, and it gives them better night vision than the human eye. Of all the animals on earth, equines have one of the best peepers for seeing through the black of night without issue.
6. How are horses and donkeys related?
Since horses and donkeys are cousins, they can mate. They both fall into the category of equidae, which also includes the zebra. When a horse and a donkey mate, they produce a mule. Sadly, the mule is considered a hybrid animal, and they are infertile due to their complex DNA.
7. Do equines have emotions?
Yes, horses do have feelings and emotions. Just like people, some horses are more emotional than others. They show their emotion through their face, but you must be trained to read them.
Look for things like the position of their tail and ears, as well as their eyes and muzzle. They communicate with those around them all the time, but you must know what to look for to understand their language.
Final Thoughts on Commonly Asked Questions
Did we answer any questions you’ve often wondered about equines? We’ve learned a lot of things being around these magnificent animals day in and day out. Make sure that you keep Oak Haven Acres in mind for your horse retirement needs. We have ample space for your beloved equine to live out their days in peace and tranquility.