A Lineage Of Love

A Lineage Of Love

A Lineage Of Love: Caring For Horses

Have you ever had the chance to watch a horse as they eat their food? It’s quite a relaxing experience. My world can be quite chaotic at times, but I always try to make it to the barn to listen and observe. Caring for horses as a business is no small venture, and there are days when I am tired and overwhelmed. However, I push myself to stop for a few minutes and just be still with nature.

There’s nothing more peaceful to me than the sound of an equine meticulously chewing each bite. Occasionally, they swish their tail in delight as their belly begins to fill. Even the hay makes a soft rustling sound as it’s tossed about while they are looking for the perfect bit. One thing I notice is that the horse is so content while they are eating, and they don’t have a care in the world. It reminds me not to get to busy to engage with my animals, even on such a small task.

My Great Grandfather

My great grandfather often told stories of growing up on a cattle ranch in Texas. I guess the love of horses is in my blood. He attended class in one of those one-room schoolhouses, and he rode a horse to class each day. My great grandfather was well off compared to other children around him. He wasn’t required to wear hand-me-down clothing as he got a new pair of jeans each year. Many children could only dream of such luxuries. He often told of other students bringing a raw potato to school for lunch, something most of us cannot imagine. They put the potatoes on the pot-bellied stove at school, so they were ready by lunchtime. There was no butter, sour cream, or even salt and pepper. However, they were content with what they had.

Times were trying on the reservation, and there were many poor Indian children around. My great grandfather forged friendships with these kids. However, he was always bothered by the great poverty that surrounded him. He never wanted for food, but he was thankful for every bite. Most of my family’s wealth came from that cattle ranch. The horses were responsible for their income, and he knew how important they were to their well-being. It was during those years that he developed a deep connection with the horses. Every evening at dusk, he would slip out to the corral to spend some time with the equines.

What Horses Have Taught My Family

He recalled taking time out of his busy day to talk with the horses. He would watch them, listen, and soak in all they had to offer. I find myself doing the very same thing. After a long day of taking care of business, I head out to the barn. I sit there in solitude as I consider these peaceful animals. They have no cares in the world. They don’t worry about where their next meal will come from, and they don’t even give tomorrow a second thought. As I grow my business and take on new responsibilities, I understand why my great grandfather spent so much time in the corral. When my world is going 100 mph, the horses teach me to calm down, take a breather, and stop worrying about things out of my control.

Another reason why I head to the barn is that I want to observe our horses closely. It’s my job to watch over them and ensure their health and safety. Most of the equines that come to Oak Haven Acres have medical or behavioral problems due to advanced age. I watch over them as I would a child. We have workers that are busy making sure the barn is clean, and the grounds are kept meticulous. As a boarding center, I often feel like we’re a nursing home for aging equines. We make sure they get the best care possible in their golden years.

Continuing To Learn Lessons

I’ve been engaging with horses for quite some time; however, I still learn new things every day. No matter where life takes me or how hard the journey, I always know where I can find peace. I just need to slip away to the barn and listen, watch, and observe. The horses depend on me for food, shelter, and love. Yet, I rely on them for those few minutes of sweet serenity that I get each evening.

If you need to find a home for your aging equine, then you should consider Oak Haven Acres. Caring for horses is not just a job for my staff and me, it’s a calling. I enjoy every minute of the time I spend in the great outdoors. Perhaps, the love of these brilliant animals is handed down through my lineage. My great grandfather has long passed, but I’m thankful for the passion and devotion of animals that were inherited from my ancestors. To learn more about caring for horses and Oak Haven Acres, read our story.

Phone: 252-478-5239 or 919-818-6241
515 Huford Harris Rd, Spring Hope, NC 27882, USA
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